14 May 2014

Update to Perdock trial

Thank you to everyone who reached out and tried to convince investigators to look into Millie and Michael's deaths more. For better or worse, I think it may have just pushed Carl Perdock to plead guilty a little faster and he is currently serving 25 years to life. Sadly, this means there is a pretty good chance he will get out someday and do it again. Hopefully, the prison crowding situation in California will ease off and the state will be more motivated to keep him.

I plan to look into how the parole process works for him. My understanding is that anyone can send letters in support of or against his parole. If that's the case, I'm certain there will be a voice for Millie and Michael at every parole hearing he ever has, as well as that of Arianna's family. I sincerely hope they never let him out.

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