29 July 2008

The Commander is Two Weeks Old!

My little lovebug is two weeks old today. It was also his due date! He had a check-up today and he's now 8 pounds, 5 oz. I really adore him. Sometimes, he wakes up just to be held. I think that is sooo cute! At least he only does it once or twice a day. I guess it wouldn't be cute if it was every 30 minutes or something :)

28 July 2008

You may be asking "What did Cyrus Cobra Commander Wessel think of Rejeanne's birthday?" Here's some photos...

Just for Judy

Cuz Judy should get to hear this!

The flashcards that Judy sent were a big hit

27 July 2008

More Rejie Princess action!

Here's some snapshots of Rejie's Big Princess Adventure





Tons of Rejie Birthday Madness

I'm going to make about a million posts for Rejeanne's birthday, so I guess I'll start with a video of her in half of the princess outfit from her Nana.

23 July 2008

I'm still super gimp. Here's a one week photo to tide everyone over...

17 July 2008


After 16 hours of labor, an oxygen mask, and discovering the baby was "sunny side up" which is why pushing him out required an oxygen mask and 16 hours, we have a baby! (We also have a very broken mom who doesn't really feel like blogging right now).

He's adorable and worth every second of those 16 hours. He's a very, very, very mellow baby so far. He sleeps, he looks around sometimes, he cries when he's wet or hungry, and that's it. He only woke up once last night. He'd rather sleep than eat.

Here's a pic to tide everyone over until I'm feeling like a human being again. I'll also be posting a video in a couple minutes, so check back if there is no video yet.

(Oh, I went into labor on my own on the 14th and he was born on the 15th, instead of being induced on the 16th)

14 July 2008

My life has been nothing but contractions since yesterday. I'm grouchy, but not in labor. In other news, I will be in labor on the 16th if my body doesn't get in the groove before then! Yay! Baby!!!!!!!!

12 July 2008

The Great Name Dilemma of 2008

...is nearly over?

Well, we have settled on two things as far as naming The Boy Fetus:

1. His first name will be Cyrus
2. We will not be calling him Cyrus. He's going by a middle name.

End result: Less named than before?

I guess it will be as I suspected. We'll have some good ideas going into it, but it's not final until it's on the birth certificate! So for everyone who has gotten used to referring to him as "Cyrus" (like me!), you'll have to get used to something else later :)

08 July 2008

Rejeanne's Half-Hearted Fit

Remember: Never, NEVER take a piece of trash away from Rejeanne when she is on the playground. NEVER!!!!!!

04 July 2008

4th of July

We had an awesome 4th! We got to drive out to a friend's place that is kinda far out of town and FINALLY saw tons of lightning bugs! We don't have any in town. I'm guessing it is due to the town's vigorous pest control requirements. Something I didn't know: bug splat on the car windshield glows when you hit a lightning bug! It's pretty cool.

Anyways, we had a great potluck at the Campbell's place with a HUGE bonfire. That was the biggest ball of fire I've ever seen. Then they set off fireworks for about two hours (I was hiding in the house with the dogs cuz I'm a chicken). On the way home, we saw tons of fireworks and fireflies. Once we got back into town, we saw the BEST fireworks display EVER!! I was really surprised that our tiny little town did a larger and more beautiful display than Dodger Stadium, Rose Bowl, Anaheim Stadium or Disneyland...but they did! It was probably about a 40-60 minute show.

No photos unfortunately! I meant to bring the camera but we were running late and I forgot it!

Crimson had a great time with her friends at the bonfire and got lots of practice at setting off fireworks. Scary flaming objects seem to be a SD specialty, so I let her get out there with the pros and do her best at catching herself on fire. She's still in one piece and unharmed. She assures me she did lots of dangerous stuff that I don't want to hear about and had a wonderful time.

Rejeanne wasn't a big fan of the fireworks until we were in the car at the big show. The loud noises were freaking her out until I started going "oh look how pretty" and telling her what color they were. After a couple bursts, she was saying "pretty" and "gold" and "oooOOoooo". It was pretty cute.

Lee seemed to have a decent time eating yummy food and keeping Rejeanne out of the bonfire. (I'm not sure what else he was up to since I was hiding and he KNOWS I don't want to know the gory details about the fireworks).

Other than a panic attack and a splotchy sunburn, I had a good day :) It's really nice to spend time with friends and try everyone's tasty creations. I also had fun at the pool earlier in the day with Crimson and Bianca. Oddly, listening to a 7 year old crush on a 27 year old lifeguard. That was a pretty funny conversation!